Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's been a year come Friday

As many people know April 27th, of 2011 was a very horrific day!

I was living with my parents at the time (Stephen and I were going through a bump in our marriage). I was about 30 weeks pregnant and my  life changed that day, and so many others live's changed and alot of people lost loved ones.

April 20th which was a Wednesday.

That day the weather was going crazy, it was all on the news that we were going to have bad weather that night. My parents went to church so I stayed home by myself. My parents called and told me Leah its about to get really bad, if anything just get into the hall. If anyone knows me, I hate storms, I don't care how old I am but when it comes to storms, I'm a baby. About 20 minutes later, a storm hit. Power went out, no cell phone service, and I can't see a darn thing. Finally I get service and I'm freaking out. 15 minutes later, the power is back on and its a happy life!

April 26th, 2011- Tuesday night

All day, the weather man had said bad weather. I didn't think anything of it because they had cried wolf so much. My parents and I went out to eat that night and went shopping. We get home rather early. I call Stephen and needless to say we got into a pretty bad arguement. I then started having contractions. (30 weeks pregnant, I did not want this). We go to the hospital. They monitor me, I'm fine and send me back home. We get home around 12am. Dad says just go to sleep everything is fine. If you need us holler at us.


About 2:45am I wake up "LEAH GET IN THE HALL NOW".

Where my bed was,it was facing a window. I could see trees blowing, I could hear things hitting the house, I heard what sounded like a train coming right over my parents house. I don't grab anything from my bed and I just dart into the hall way. How I did not hurt myself or the baby, I'll never know to this day. All I could do was cry and pray. My mom and dad were both hovered over me that morning and my daddy was praying for protection for us and for everyone around us. At that point, I don't think my parents realized they were protecting my stomach as much as they were but I'll forever be grateful for that. You could hear things hitting each other left and right. Finally what seemed like an hour was only about 5 minutes went by. My dad got up to go outside. He said it's gone.

You couldn't see anything, it was so dark. I knew the house was fine. I couldn't see the cars, I couldn't even see a house in front of us (but it was there).

My uncle and aunt lived not even a mile away in a double wide trailer. My mom calls to check on them and all I can hear my uncle say is "the trailer is gone, Marie is stuck!"

Like I said I was 30 weeks pregnant, not alot I could do.

My dad gets in the Jeep, to try to get to my aunt and uncle. Jeep gets stuck.
He then gets in the next Jeep but can't go because power lines and trees are down.
My dad then gets his chainsaw and starts walking.

I called Stephen about 50 times that morning, warning him that he may be coming that way.

I then get dressed and I start walking with my mom to my aunt and uncle's.

That morning, I will never be able to describe the pain I felt. What I had grown up around was pretty much gone. Thankfully, no one was killed that morning in Cumberland, Mississippi. But people lost their homes and some were severely hurt.

About 9am that morning, Stephen shows up at my parents house. Not welcomed of course. This pregnant girl went OFF like a roman candle!

Well he then stays.

I want go into too much detail about that day, people were trying to clear roads and see other's houses.

About 3:30, Stephen is about to leave.
He gets a phone call "Phil Campbell has been hit and ya'll house is GONE"

He then leaves. I'm panicking. From my parents to Phil Campbell is a 3 hour trip. He calls me about half way and tells me he's in the middle of a tornado. I can't get ahold of him. He calls me that night at 9:30 and tells me he made it to the house, its there, but damaged and half of Phil Campbell was gone.

I didn't talk to him much over the next few days, because their was no service. I couldn't see the damage of Phil Campbell on TV, cause we didn't have power.

That Friday, I decide to go to PC.
I had lived there for over a year and it was home to me too.

That day, I cried. What I knew of PC was no longer there.
Many houses were gone and nothing but a concerte slab was sitting there.
Many lives were taken that day from PC.

April 27th, changed my life completely.

I thank God everyday for keeping myself and my family safe. I believe God knew what he was doing by sending me to Mississippi about 2 weeks before it happen. If not, I would have been home at my house in PC that afternoon and I could have lost my life. The tornado missed our house completely by not even 12 feet.

Later this week, I will pull up some pictures and share them with you!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

What a Saturday!!!

Today my husband had to work so it was just little baby girl and I. I decided to try the new farmers market out. Not new but new to me. Lets just say its not what I'm used to and I will not go back. So we left and went shopping. Get home and my life changes completely.

I'm sitting here looking at 2 little pink lines crying my eyes out and my daughter laughing. Husband calls at this point and I'm a nut case. I just say I'm pregnant.

So yeah all that "I'm loosing weight ans getting tan this summer" is out the window.

But all in all I'm happy!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Its a new journey

Well I had always said I was starting a blog so that my family could keep up with us and not wonder what we're up to all the time.

In this blog you'll learn all about me. The good the bad and the ugly. My life is not always interesting but it changes daily. I've always wanted to loose the 60 pounds that I gained with my daughter and now I'm finally working on that.

I've always been a couponer so ill always share my tips here.

As I've said before I've moved to a city I've only visited 3 times in my life so its a journey itself.

My husband has been blessed with a great job but recently God decided to throw something at us. When we know more ill share.

Along with everything else ill also be blogging about how we have decided to get out of debt, saving money, organizing, how I keep my house somewhat spotless, being a mommy and a wife, and ill be doing reviews for companies and offering giveaways! So stay tuned for all the new and exciting things that's about to take place!!!